Monday, October 6, 2008

A Very Slow Day…

Today, I was able to get Linda up with the kids. It might seem like a small thing; but for her, it was a step in the right direction. She even managed to stay up for a little while afterwards. If you have ever been emotionally upset for any reason, you know how much it can drain you of energy. Well depression works on that level too. So, I tried to use that understanding after she went back to bed and slept till a little past noon. That too, is better then she’s been doing up until now.

Not wishing to leave her alone for long periods of time, I used the time to work on this site. I really do love one of my hobbies (photography) it give me joy to have a way to show it. The pictures also shows my interests, places I have been, and a few things I believe in. It also help to remind me that beauty and true enjoyment in life can be found anywhere. Yes, I love my job and chosen career. But when it begins to tear me between duty to the Army and duty to my family; it really does become an easy choice.

After Linda got up, she just took a slow approach to the day. Her anxiety pills had run out. (Thank you, Lord) But she was having a hard time coping with her anxieties and was shaking physically. No cause for concern there, right? On Saturday, her physiologist had prescribed something that is not habit forming and something less likely to be abused. I had to go and get the prescription filled at the store and asked if she wanted to go with me, she declined of course. After about hour and a half, I was able to return. She was moving quickly for the first time all day, because I arrived with what she needed, cigarettes and her medication.

I had time after my trip to chat with a dear friend of mine. My friend thanked me being able to vent, but in the process, she helped me. Not so much by what was said, but just being there. “This too shall pass.” You know, there is power in those words. God never gives us more then he thinks we can handle. Who am I to question his wisdom? I will have to keep this in mind, in the days ahead.

Now it was time for me to cook dinner. My plan was homemade Salisbury steak, seasoned potatoes and steamed cauliflower. Ever since I came home I’ve been doing the cooking and cleaning. Keri has been helping out. (As much as you would expect any teenager to help, anyway) She’s a good kid, though. Just has to be reminded frequently that she has chores. She makes it easy too. She’ll ask: “Can I go over to Jamie’s house?” My reply is an easy: “As soon as your chores are done.” With a slight roll of here eyes that tells me everything I need to know, she starts working quickly to get them done.

When Keri went with Wendy to pick up Jamie from the football practice, I expected to have less mouth to feed. When Keri call to tell me that her boyfriend had hurt his knee and she was going with Wendy to take him to the hospital, I knew that she wouldn’t make it back it time to eat. Somehow she arrived just as I finished cooking. With quick adjustments, I had her plate ready too. You just never know with my family. Dinner was a quiet event. That’s never a good sign in this house. It reminds me that I have a lot to do.

After dinner, I did the dishes and found time to relax. I ensured that Keri and Stella had their homework, chores, and showers done. Keri was exhausted and went to bed early. Stella watched Linda and I play Phase 10 until it was bed time. Shortly afterwards Linda went to bed, allowing me to finish this. The only thing left for me tonight is to go jogging. I wish to be there to help motivate and run with a friend. Besides, this will help me to get to sleep. I think it will be one lap around Riva Ridge Loop. (aprox 6 miles) This will make up for the slow day.



Melissa said...

when ur sad and depressed, its easier to just sleep, that way you dont have to deal with the pain. I like your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics! I love the sunset one at the top. Keep on smiling!